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Zhang Chengkang, Chairman of Yiou SiE Information: Deploying Heavy Forces in East China and Creating a New South China

  • Media attention | 2023-06-10 16:26:32
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On October 29th and 30th, SiE Information held the 2021 China Enterprise Digital Summit and SiE Information User Conference on the banks of Jinji Lake in Suzhou. SiE Information has been hosting this summit for eight years, and this is the first time in eight years that the conference venue has been selected in the East China region. In addition, with its increasing investment behavior in the East China region year by year, SiE Information's interest in the manufacturing hub of the Yangtze River Delta is evident.

Mr. Zhang Chengkang, the chairman, also mentioned in the group interview that one of the future strategic directions and expected goals of SiE Information is "we need to deploy heavy troops in East China" and "strive to create a new South China".

East China is rich in resources, and military strategists must contend for it

As a local Guangzhou enterprise, SiE Information has maintained a stable annual compound growth rate of over 20% in its operating revenue since its listing. The development momentum in South China continues to steadily increase, and the cash flow foundation is stable.

A successful enterprise will never be satisfied with thriving only in its region of origin. Expanding the scope and scale of business, building an ecosystem, and so on are all necessary paths for a company's growth, as they can provide better services to more customers and achieve higher value.

For SiE Information, which focuses on digitizing manufacturing enterprises, the Yangtze River Delta region, which is home to countless manufacturing enterprises, is clearly an ideal place for business expansion. The manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are almost twice as large as those in the the Pearl River Delta, and a large number of customer resources are waiting for SiE Information to develop and serve.

Considering the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the original plan for this summit was to have around 600 people, but downstream customers were enthusiastic and the number of registered attendees had far exceeded expectations one week before the meeting. The enthusiasm of many customers in East China directly confirms the strong demand for digital transformation among manufacturing enterprises in the current society.

As a central city in the Yangtze River Delta region, Shanghai has naturally become the locations of SiE Information's future headquarters in East China for three core reasons:

Firstly, Shanghai's overall radiation to the Yangtze River Delta region is irreplaceable by other cities in terms of transportation network and economic benefits; Secondly, Shanghai is a talent highland in the Yangtze River Delta region, gathering well-known universities to facilitate SiE Information's recruitment of talents and strengthen the team; Thirdly, the strong determination of the Shanghai government to promote digital reform can be seen from the various quantitative indicators in the "14th Five Year Plan" for comprehensively promoting urban digital transformation, which was just released on October 27th.

Established strategy and stable expansion

Although Chairman Zhang Chengkang mentioned that "we formulated the East China strategy in 2020," SiE Information has already had a layout in East China. It established an office in Shanghai in 2006 and a branch in 2014; Similarly, within the Yangtze River Delta region, such as Hefei, Suzhou, Hangzhou, etc., there are also branches and delivery bases.

Each base has accumulated a certain number of customers. From traditional enterprise ERP to intelligent manufacturing, big data, AI, cloud and other fields, SiE Information is fully promoting the digital transformation of enterprises in various industries. Many customers from manufacturing, high-tech, finance, transportation, medicine, logistics, and professional services industries, such as Mengna Socks, Deli, Neptune Star, and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group, We have achieved the goal of transformation and innovation through the use of comprehensive solutions and implementation services from SiE Information.

But the problem is also very obvious, as the East China regional team is scattered and unable to form effective group synergy. In response to this, the direction of this strategy is very clear, which is to concentrate various forces in the East China region, gather team members and customer resources in Shanghai, and play a role of 1+1>2.

Regarding the future personnel planning of the East China headquarters, Zhang Chengkang also had a clear thinking, "We plan to have at least 1000 people stationed at the East China headquarters over the next three years, with the focus on delivering talent. The main R&D team will still be deployed in Guangdong, and in the future, we may build a R&D team in Shanghai based on the actual situation

Even after integrating the originally scattered resources in the East China region, there are plans for a large technical team in Shanghai in the future. SiE Information is still very aware of the limited power of its own enterprise, and it is urgent to find external partners while aggregating internal resources.

In June 2018, SiE Information completed the acquisition of 51% of Shanghai Jingtong Technology Co., Ltd., which can also be considered as a symbol of SiE Information's view of East China as a key development area. In 2020, SiE Information successively acquired the remaining 49% shares of Shanghai Jingtong and 51% shares of Shanghai Gidian, aiming to form synergies in business operations, customer resources, technical capabilities, and other aspects. I believe that SiE Information will not stop searching for partners. In the future, there will be more investment activities to strengthen its own strength and move towards the established goals in the East China strategy.

Regarding this goal, Zhang Chengkang said in an interview, "This year is the first year, and next year is the second year. We strive to create another South China in the future

Sharp military efforts and fearless competition

So why do we believe that SiE Information can stand out in the fierce competition in the East China market?

Firstly, there is the focus. SiE Information not only focuses on the manufacturing industry, but also on the segmented industries with great potential in the future, focusing on breakthroughs. Zhang Chengkang listed some key industries that SiE Information focuses on: due to its background in Midea, SiE Information has a deep understanding of digitization in product lines such as electronics, semiconductors, and PCB boards; Secondly, as a populous country, China's fast-moving consumer goods industry, as well as livelihood industries such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices, cannot be ignored; As well as the new energy industry under the current trend of technological development, Zhang Chengkang keenly captures that there is still great room for improvement in their information technology level, and there is a great demand for digital transformation in the future.

The company has been continuously researching digital solutions for these potential industries for ten years, understanding the inherent logic of industry manufacturing, finding commonalities, resolving differences, and combining with the historical experience of agency enterprise management software, we have developed the SMOM (SiE Intelligent Manufacturing Operations Management Platform) with independent intellectual property rights, from business operation management to workshop manufacturing management service system, to plan scheduling, logistics management, production management, quality management The six core business modules of equipment management and operation management are the main body, forming an overall solution for intelligent manufacturing with the goal of intelligent factories. Based on the differences of different industries, industry suite solutions suitable for different industries are developed. Last year, the electronic industry package was released, and this year, the PCB industry package was released. At this summit, the customized furniture industry package was released, covering the entire process of research, supply, production, sales, and service, providing enterprises with "standard platform+industry kit package+configuration services".

We will focus on the knowledge barriers obtained by the industry, cooperate with the general underlying platform, establish a product ecosystem, establish a strong brand, and firmly grasp customers. This solid and effective product logic enables SiE Information to have a place in the field of industrial management software.

Another point is the operational philosophy after acquiring customers. Zhang Chengkang gave an example to describe his understanding of the company's operational capabilities, saying, "The development of the company is like walking on two feet, with one foot representing market occupation and the other representing operational capabilities. When one foot steps out, the right foot must keep up in order to move forward step by step

Talking about the potential competitive impact of local competitors in East China in the future, Zhang Chengkang stated that SiE Information is not afraid of competition and looks forward to growing in the competition.

Although our brand is not as strong in East China as it is in South China, I believe that as long as we work hard for two or three years, this brand will definitely form. Since we have a good reputation, not doing things wrong is the key. Developing in the To B market requires a spirit of craftsmanship and continuous polishing. We didn't do well in the first year, but continued to do well and optimize in the second year

Implementing the spirit of craftsmanship and being good at oneself is the style of advancing SiE Information.

Since its establishment for 16 years, SiE Information has persisted in accumulating industry experience and continuously polishing its products. Nowadays, a group of elite soldiers carrying excellent equipment, under the command of Zhang Chengkang, are steady and resolute, ensuring the defense of South China and opening up new territories in East China.

Of course, business expansion is only a result. In the process of progress, Saiyixin

Author: Sun Qiyuan



上一篇:Special Report on the 2021 China Industrial Internet Conference by Southern Daily 下一篇:Shanghai Securities News | SiE Information Zhang Chengkang: From "Upgrading" to Insight in

